
Looking down I thought not too bad for a 44 year old guy in a room full of 20 somethings.Finally it was my turn. Sure enough just like Ted had described, the warmest, wettest and hungriest mouth attacked my manhood. Even my ex couldn't take the almost 9 inches but the girl on the other side swallowed it like a TicTac. It was almost like she had a fist in her throat jerking my off as her tongue flicked out and licked my aching balls. After so long of not getting any I could not hold back for. I walked over to her and slid my finger along one of her cute little feet. She giggled, but kept on reading. I rolled her pants up to the length of shorts. "You have cute legs," I said. I knew nothing about the female body and sex. I knew I liked what I saw, and she said go for it so I did. "Thank you," she said as she turned over onto her back. She lifted her arms above her head and closed her eyes. I ran my hand up the soft exposed skin of her leg, enjoying the feeling. She opened her eyes. The door to my flat was on the latch and I heard the click of him letting it lock behind him and scrambled to look through the hole. He spoke softly as usual.“This is impressive Ben. I must say I have always fancied the glory hole experience so I have been looking forward to this all the way over.” His clothes were placed neatly on a chair and I swooned at his swinging cock as he moved around. Christ I had missed it. Mature, thick and very long it looked so heavy and so beautiful, my heart. Um ... feel ... um ... things that she didn't want to and she couldn't stop it and it wasn't her fault and it didn't mean that she was a slut or anything like that cause she really couldn't help it and she really really tried to stop it but she just couldn't so it really didn't mean anything? Remember?"I reached over and tickled her sides, making her squeal. "Wow! And you said all that in one breath? Yes, I remember"."Well, I understood what you said, and I even agreed with it, but it just.
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